Sunday, November 1, 2020

Success Mantra

A group of tourists was visiting a crocodile farm and they were in a floating structure in the middle of a crocodile lake. The owner of the farm shouted: "Whoever jumps into the water and swims to shore, will receive 10 million dollars. The silence was deafening.

Suddenly, a man jumped into the water. He was chased by crocodiles, but with great luck he was unharmed. The owner announced: "We have a winner!!!".

After receiving their reward, the man and his wife returned to the hotel room. The man tells his wife: "I did not jump in myself ... Someone pushed me !!!"

His wife smiled and said coldly: "It was me!"

Moral of the story: "Behind every successful man, there is always a woman to give him a little push" ... 🤣😂🤣

Sunday, June 14, 2020

हमेशा खुश रहे मस्त रहें ।

*🙏एक ऐसा चुटकला जो चुटकला नहीं है , ज्ञान है* ।
          एक  पर्यटक, ऐसे शहर मे आया जो शहर उधारी में डूबा हुआ था !

         पर्यटक ने रु. 500 का नोट होटल और रेस्टोरेंट के काउंटर पर रखा और कहा :-  मैं जा रहा हूँ , आपके होटेल के अंदर कमरा पसंद करने! 

     👉 होटल का मालिक फ़ौरन भागा घी वाले के पास 
और उसको रु. 500 देकर घी का हिसाब चुकता कर लिया !🤣

       👉 घी वाला भागा दूध वाले के पास और जाकर रु.  500 . देकर दूध का हिसाब पूरा करा लिया !😆😆

      👉 दूध वाला भागा गाय वाले के पास और गाय वाले को रु. 500. देकर दूध का हिसाब पूरा करा दिया !🤩🤩
     👉गाय वाला भागा चारे वाले के पास और चारे के खाते में रु. 500 कटवा आया ! 😉😉

     👉 चारे वाला गया उसी होटल पर ! वो वहां कभी कभी उधार में रेस्टोरेंट मे खाना खाता था। रु. 500 देके हिसाब चुकता किया !😅😅

     👉 पर्यटक वापस आया और यह कहकर अपना रु. 500 का नोट ले गया कि उसे कोई रूम पसंद नहीं आया !😜😜

न किसी ने कुछ लिया
न किसी ने कुछ दिया

सबका हिसाब चुकता !

*बताओ गड़बड़ कहाँ है ?*

कहीं गड़बड़ नहीं है बल्कि यह सभी की गलतफहमी है कि रुपये हमारे हैं।

खाली हाथ आये थे,
खाली हाथ ही जाना है।

विचार करें और जीवन का आनंद लें।

😄 हमेशा खुश रहे मस्त रहें । 
घर पर रहे  सुरक्षित रहे ।👏👏

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Live To Express Yourself and Not To Impress Others

A Woman Walks Into A Butchery Shop Just Before Closing Time and Asks, "Do You Still Have Chicken?" The Butcher Opens His Deep Freezer, Takes Out His Only Chicken Left and Puts It On The weighing Scale, And It Weighs 1.5 kg. The Woman Looks At The Chicken and At The Scale And Asked, "Do You Have One That's a Bit Bigger Than This One?" The Butcher Puts His Only Chicken Back Into The Freezer, and Then Takes It Out Again, But This Time When He Puts It On The Scale; He Then Craftily Keeps His Thumb on The Scale Pan. And The Scale Now Shows 2 kg "That's Wonderful," Said The Woman. "I'll Take Both Of Them, Please!" In a Situation Like This, You Realize at Once That Your Integrity and Your Reputation are Firmly on The Line. Your Wisdom Becomes Foolishness and Your Cunning Becomes Stupidity *Until Now The Butcher Has His Head Inside The Big Deep Feezer Looking For The First Chicken 🐓* Remember: *Always Tell The Truth and You Will Be Free!!!* *Live To Express Yourself and Not To Impress Others*  

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Know the value of every second of your life thatknow the value of every second of your life that you spend in wellness, you spend in wellness

*Be thankful.   Be patient*...............
       A movie theater announced that an 8-minute movie won the title of Best Short Film in the World ...

     So, it was decided to display this movie in the cinema for free, so that the largest crowd could gather to watch it ...
    The movie began with a snapshot of a room ceiling that is devoid of any decoration and of any details;  Just a white ceiling ...

    3 minutes passed without the camera moving and it did not move to any other scene, or any other part of the ceiling in the same room ...

    Another 3 minutes passed without the camera moving and without changing the scene ...

    After 6 boring minutes, the viewers started grumbling;  Some of them were about to leave the theater hall;  And some of them objected to the officials of the house because they wasted their time watching a ceiling ...

    Suddenly, before the majority became concerned and starting to leave, the camera lens slowly moved on a wall without any details as well until it reached down towards the floor, there a child appeared on a bed, who seems to be totally handicapped due to the spinal cord tare in his little body ...

    The camera slowly moved to the side of the handicap bed, showing a wheelchair without a back ...

    The camera moved to the boredom location of the ceiling again;  To show a sentence: *"We showed you only 8 minutes of this child's daily activity, only 8 minutes from the scene that this handicapped child watches at all hours of his life, and you complained and weren’t patient for only six minutes, you couldn't bear to watch it ..!* ...
    So know the value of every second of your life that you spend in wellness, and thank your Lord for every blessing bestowed on you, and you will not feel its existence unless you lose it ...

    We suffer from quarantine and the curfew, which is, God willing, for a limited time, and we do not know that there are millions who lived their entire lives in quarantine ...

    Covid-19 has forced us to have the time to think about many privileges , and we thank God for the blessing of the freedom of movement and out of the house to see life, breathe the air, and practice activity in its various colors ...

    Praise be to God for what God has blessed us with of which we have not realized...

 *We thank God for the blessings ever and forever*

|| Good Day ||

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Why am I so poor?

Once, a very poor man came to Buddha.

He asked:- Why am I so poor?

Buddha answered:
- You are poor because you don’t practice generosity. You don’t practice charity.

- But how can I practice charity if I don’t have anything to give?

- You have 5 treasures that you can share with others.

First, you have your face.
You can share your smiles with others.. It's free.. And awesome.. And has an amazing impact on others..

Second, you have your eyes.
You can look at others with eyes full of love and care.. Genuinely you can impact millions.. Make them feel so good..

Third, you have your mouth.
With this mouth you can say nice things to others.. Talk good.. Make them feel valued.. Spread joy and positivity..

Then, you have a heart.
With your loving heart you can wish happiness to others.. Make others feel a bundle of emotions.. Touch their lives..

Last treasure that you possess is yr body..
With this body you can do many good things to others.. Help the people who need.. Help is not money.. A small caring gesture can light up lives..

Do these.. Feel rich...🙏🏻

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Life Now

A superb article ...

👉When TV came to my house. I forgot how to read books. 👉When the car came to my doorstep, I forgot how to walk. 👉When I got the mobile in my hand, I forgot how to write letters. 👉When computer came to my house, I forgot spellings 👉When the AC came to my house, I stopped going under the tree for cool breeze👉When I stayed in the city, I forgot the smell of mud. 👉By dealing with banks and cards, I forgot the value of money. 👉With the smell of perfume, I forgot the fragrance of fresh flowers. 👉With the coming of fast food, I forgot to cook traditional cuisines .👉Always running around, I forgot how to stop. 👉👉And lastly when I got whatsapp, I forgot how to talk.🤔🤔🤔💐💐💐

Let's give every child freedom to do their own thing & watch their dreams come true

Awesomee ......A story in one of the schools in Chennai where admission is considered impossible!!!

To get UKG admission

The child could not understand why they brought her there..

When we all were standing, the school principal started to converse with the English only! This is one of the most memorable interview I have ever witnessed in my life..
Here goes..

"What's your name?"


"Good. Tell me something you know"

"I know many things. Tell me what you want...!"

Alas, there is no better point for not getting the admission!

Sarithra's mother was trying to make up the situation but the principal stopped her..

Turning to child, she said.. "Tell any rhyme or story which you know.."

Again,"Which one you want.. Rhyme or Story!?"

"Ok. Plz tell me a story.."

"Do uou want to hear what I studied or what I wrote..!?"

Taken to surprise, she asked "Oh! you write stories...???"

"Why should I not write..?"

Now even I was taken aback But she was impressed with the answer. She ( including us) would have not heard such a story in our life...

Ok, tell me story which you have written-?

Sarithra said "Ravanan kidnapped Sita & took her to Srilanka"

The opening scene failed to impress but still she encouraged the child to continue..

"Rama asked Hanumans help to rescue Sita. Hanuman too agreed to help Rama ..."


"Now, Hanuman called his friend Spider man." No one expected this twist in the story!!


"Because there are lot of mountains between India and Srilanka.. but if we have Spiderman we can go easily with his rope..."

"But Hanuman can fly isn't it.. ?"

"Yes. But he is having Sanjeevi Mountain on one hand so he cannot fly very fast.!"

All is quiet, after a while Sarithra asked "Should I continue or not?.".

"Ok plz continue!"

"Hanuman and Spiderman flew to Srilanka and rescued Sita. Sita said Thanks to both!"


"When you are helped you should say Thanks!"

So Sita requested Hanuman to call Hulk..."

All were surprised.She realized our curiosity and said " Now Sita is there, so to take her safely back to Rama she called Hulk"

"What??? "Hanuman can carry Sita right?"

"Yes. But he has Sanjeevi Mountain in one hand and has to hold spider man on the other"

No one could control thier smiles. " So when they all started to India they met my friend Akshay! "

"How come Akshay there now?"

"Because its my story and I can bring any one there!"

The principal didn't get angry but waited for the next twist

Then all started to India and landed at Chennai Velechery bus stop!

Now I asked,"Why they have landed In Velechery bus stop?

"Because they forgot the way..& Hulk got an idea and called Dora!"

I came to know about Dora only there...!

"Dora came and she took Sita to Velechery Venus Colony...that's all!"

She finished the story with a smile.. 😀

The principal asks "Why venus Colony...?"

"Because sita lives there & i am Sita!!!"

The principal was impressed and embraced the child. She has been admitted in UKG & was gifted with a Dora doll...

Kids can really amaze... but we clip their wings (creativity) expecting them to do things as we see it right & not from their viewpoint.

Let's give every child freedom to do their own thing & watch their dreams come true...

👆 it is One of the good posts I've seen

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Once a Project Manager was travelling by train from Mumbai to Bangalore!

When the train started, He was traveling alone in the AC-I coupe.

Some time later, a Beautiful lady came and sat in the opposite berth!

Manager was pleasantly Happy

The lady kept smiling at him...
This made him even more Happier ☺☺

Then she went and sat next to him....
he was bubbling with Joy😊😍

She then leant towards him and whispered in his ear...

"Hand over all your cash, cards and mobile phone to me , else I will shout loudly and tell everybody that you are  harassing and misbehaving with me"

Manager stared blankly at her

He took out a paper and a pen from his bag and wrote " I am sorry, I can not hear or speak... Please write on this paper whatever you want to say"

The lady wrote everything what she said earlier and gave it to him!

Manager took her note, kept it nicely in his pocket...
got up and told her in clear tones...
Now shout & scream !!

Moral of the story :


Saturday, March 18, 2017

What a woman really wants?

                        This is a very interesting story and a lesson for men.

(To men) Please take time to ponder. 😕

(To women) Just enjoy the story. 😋

Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighbouring kingdom.

The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, if after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death.

The question was:
What do women really want?

Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man. And to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end.

He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: the princess, the priests, the wise men, and even the court jester. He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer.

Many people advised him to consult the old witch, for only she would have the answer. But the price would be high as the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged.

The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no choice but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer the question, but first he would have to agree to her price.

The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table, and Arthur's closest friend. Young Arthur was horrified.

She was hunch-backed and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc.

He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life. He refused to force his friend to marry her and endure such a terrible burden.

But Lancelot, having learnt of the proposal, spoke with Arthur. He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur's life. And the reservation of the Round Table. Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the witch answered.

Arthur's question thus:
"What a woman really wants?"

She said, "A woman wants to be in charge of her own life."

Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth, and that Arthur's life would be spared. And so it was. The neighbouring monarch granted Arthur his freedom. And Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding.

The honeymoon hour approached and, Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him.

The most beautiful woman he had ever seen was sitting by the bed.

The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened. The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared as a witch, she would henceforth become her horrible and deformed self only half the time, and be the beautiful maiden the other half.

"Which would you prefer?" She asked him. "BEUATIFUL during the DAY... OR at NIGHT?"

Lancelot pondered the predicament.

During the day, he could have a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch!


would he prefer having a hideous witch during the day? But by night a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous moments with?

(If you are a man reading this) What would YOUR choice be?

(If you are a woman reading this) What would YOUR MAN'S choice be?

And Lancelot's choice is given below...

BUT, please make YOUR choice first before you scroll down below!


Knowing the answer the witch gave to Arthur for his question, Sir Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself.

Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time, because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life.

Now, what is the moral to this

The moral is...

1. There is 'witch' in every woman, no matter how beautiful she is. It's how a man manages it

2. If you let a woman decide on her own she gives u d best. but if u force her with ur decisions she becomes a witch.

So, be careful how you treat a woman😊

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Apno ki kimmat

*एक राजमहल में कामवाली और उसका बेटा काम करते थे!*

*एक दिन राजमहल में कामवाली के बेटे को हीरा मिलता है।*

*वो माँ को बताता है….*

*कामवाली होशियारी से वो हीरा बाहर फेककर कहती है ये कांच है हीरा नहीं…..*

*कामवाली घर जाते वक्त चुपके से वो हीरा उठाके ले जाती है।*

*वह सुनार के पास जाती है…*
*सुनार समझ जाता है इसको कही मिला होगा,*
*ये असली या नकली पता नही इसलिए पुछने आ गई.*
*सुनार भी होशियारीसें वो हीरा बाहर फेंक कर कहता है!! ये कांच है हीरा नहीं।*
*कामवाली लौट जाती है। सुनार वो हीरा चुपके सेे उठाकर जौहरी के पास ले जाता है,*

*जौहरी हीरा पहचान लेता है।*
*अनमोल हीरा देखकर उसकी नियत बदल जाती है।*
*वो भी हीरा बाहर फेंक कर* *कहता है ये कांच है हीरा नहीं।*
*जैसे ही जौहरी हीरा बाहर फेंकता है…*

*उसके टुकडे टुकडे हो जाते है…*

*यह सब एक राहगीर निहार रहा था…*
*वह हीरे के पास जाकर पूछता है…*
*कामवाली और सुनार ने दो बार तुम्हे फेंका…*
*तब तो तूम नही टूटे…*
*फिर अब कैसे टूटे?*

*हीरा बोला….*
*कामवाली और सुनार ने दो बार मुझे फेंका*

*वो मेरी असलियत से अनजान थे।*

*जौहरी तो मेरी असलियत जानता था…*

*तब भी उसने मुझे बाहर फेंक दिया…*
*यह दुःख मै सहन न कर सका…*
*इसलिए मै टूट गया …..*

*ऐसा ही…*
*हम मनुष्यों के साथ भी होता है !!!*

*जो लोग आपको जानते है,*
*उसके बावजुत भी आपका दिल दुःखाते है*
*तब यह बात आप सहन नही कर पाते….!😢*

*कभी भी अपने स्वार्थ के लिए करीबियों का दिल ना तोड़ें…!!*

*हमारे आसपास भी… बहुत से लोग… हीरे जैसे होते है !*
*उनकी दिल और भावनाओं को .. कभी भी मत दुखाएं…*
*और ना ही… उनके अच्छे गुणों के टुकड़े करिये…!!*

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

You are not late

One of the best messages I have read in recent times :

Time Will Come !

New York is 3 hours ahead of California but it does not mean that California is slow, or that New York is fast. Both are  working based on their own "Time Zone."

Some one is still single. Someone got married and 'waited' 10 years before having a child. There is another who had a baby within a year of marriage.

Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before securing a good job; and there is another who graduated at 27 and secured employment immediately !

Someone became CEO at 25 and died at 50 while another became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years.
Everyone works based on their 'Time Zone',

People can have things worked out only according to their pace.
Work in your “time zone”.

Your Colleagues, friends, younger ones might "seem" to go ahead of you.
May be some might "seem" behind you.

Don't envy them or mock them, it's their 'Time Zone.'
You are in yours!

Hold on, be strong, and stay true to yourself. All things shall work together for your good.

You’re not late … You are not early ... you’re very much On time!😊👍stay blessed.
You Are In Your Time Zone....🌐

Keep yourself away from negative enrgy🙆

Very meaningful
An elephant took a bath in a river and was walking on the road. When it neared a bridge, it saw a pig fully soaked in mud coming from the opposite direction. The elephant quietly moved to one side, allowed the dirty pig to pass and then continued its onward journey.
The unclean pig later spoke to its friends in arrogance, “See how big I am; even the elephant was afraid of me and moved to one side to let me pass”.
On hearing this, some elephants questioned their friend, the reason for its action. Was it out of fear?
The elephant smiled and replied, “I could have easily crushed the pig under my leg, but I was clean and the pig was very unclean. By crushing it, my leg will become dirty and I wanted to avoid it. Hence, I moved aside.”
This story reveals :
Realized souls will avoid contact with negativity not out of fear, but out of desire to keep away from impurity though they are strong enough to destroy the impurity.
You need not react to every opinion, every comment, or every situation.
Kick the drama and keep going ahead :)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Just Drop

*Just Drops!*

Recently, when I was going to bed after using my bathroom, I started hearing sound of drops of water from the tap in slow successions, but since it was dropping into an empty bucket, I decided to let it be.

But, alas! When I woke up the next morning, around 5am, the bucket was almost full! I was surprised that just drops even in such slow successions could produce that much. I couldn't help it, 'Just drops?!' I questioned rhetorically.

But the following night, I made sure that the tap in my bathroom was locked completely and I checked the bucket and saw that it was empty, though wet. Then I went to sleep.

I guess you already know what I saw the next morning. The bucket was not wet as I had left it, but it was now dry!

Then I realized the importance of a drop and how much difference it can make in all ramifications of one's life compared to a dry tap.

Imagine letting the drops be for a year, I would be scooping with drums at the end of the year!

So, how about that drop of savings?

How about that drop of kindness and love everyday?

How about a drop of reading useful books today and every day?

How about that drop of a verse of the scripture today and every day?

How about that drop of prayer today and every day?

How about a drop of worship today and every day?

How about a drop of step towards your God-given dream today and every day?

How about a drop of giving into your heavenly account?

What virtue and discipline will you start today in little drops?

Never neglect the importance of a drop, for when the harvest time comes, you would have made a big difference.

*......Ponder on this thought*

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Husband vs Wife

A woman went shopping, At cash counter she opened her purse to pay. The cashier noticed a TV remote in her purse. He cud'nt control his curiosity n asked "Do u always carry ur TV remote with u?" She replied " No, not always, but my husband refused to accompany me for shopping today.. .............. Moral : Accompany ur wife....

The story continues....
The shopkeeper laughs and takes back all the items that lady had purchased.
Shocked at this act, she asks the shopkeeper what is he doing. He said your husband has blocked your credit card..........
MORAL : Respect the hobbies of your husband. 😝😆😁👌

Story continues....
Wife took out his husbands credit card from purse and swiped. Unfortunately he didn't block his own card.
Moral: Dont underestimate the power of a WIFE.

Still continues...
After swiping, the machine indicated 'ENTER OTP SENT TO YOUR MOBILE'.
Moral: When Man tends to lose, machine is smart enough to save him!

Still continues....
When she turned back with depression, her mobile ringed showing forwarded SMS "your OTP is......" Finally she bought her items & returned back happily
Moral: what are you thinking about Men! He always sacrifices himself for his wife

A blind beggar

🌹 एक अंधा लड़का एक इमारत की सीढ़ियों पर बैठा था. उसके पैरों के पास एक टोपी रखी थी. पास ही एक बोर्ड रखा था, जिस पर लिखा था, "मैं अंधा हूँ, मेरी मदद करो." टोपी में केवल कुछ सिक्के थे.

वहां से गुजरता एक आदमी यह देख कर रुका, उसने अपनी जेब से कुछ सिक्के निकले और टोपी में गिरा दिये. फिर उसने उस बोर्ड को पलट कर कुछ शब्द लिखे और वहां से चला गया. उसने बोर्ड को पलट दिया था जिससे कि लोग वह पढ़ें जो उसने लिखा था.

जल्द ही टोपी को भरनी शुरू हो गई. अधिक से अधिक लोग अब उस अंधे लड़के को पैसे दे रहे थे. दोपहर को बोर्ड बदलने वाला आदमी फिर वहां आया. वह यह देखने के लिए आया था उसके शब्दों का लोगों पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा? अंधे लड़के ने उसके क़दमों की आहट पहचान ली और पूछा, "आप सुबह मेरे बोर्ड को बदल कर गए थे? आपने बोर्ड पर क्या लिखा था?"

उस आदमी ने कहा मैंने केवल सत्य लिखा था, मैंने तुम्हारी बात को एक अलग तरीके से लिखा, "आज एक खूबसूरत दिन है और मैं इसे नहीं देख सकता."

आपको क्या लगता है? पहले वाले शब्द और बाद वाले शब्द, एक ही बात कह रहे थे?

बेशक दोनों संकेत लोगों को बता रहे थे कि लड़का अंधा था. लेकिन पहला संकेत बस इतना बता रहा था कि वह लड़का अंधा है. जबकि दूसरा संकेत लोगों को यह बता रहा था कि वे कितने भाग्यशाली हैं कि वे अंधे नहीं हैं. क्या दूसरा बोर्ड अधिक प्रभावशाली था?

दोस्तों! यह कहानी हमें बताती है कि, जो कुछ हमारे पास है उसके लिए हमें आभारी होना चाहिए. रचनात्मक रहो. अभिनव रहो. अलग और सकारात्मक सोच रखो. लोगों को अच्छी चीजों की तरफ, समझदारी से आकर्षित करो.

जीवन तुम्हे रोने का एक कारण देता है,

तो तुम्हारे पास मुस्कुराने के लिए 10 कारण हैं...💐

Monday, August 8, 2016

What is true love explained in Hindi

Life inspirational video in Hindi

What is life and how to live it explained in this video in most beautiful way in it and Enjoy..

UBUNTU - A very nice story from Africa ...

*UBUNTU* - A very nice story from Africa ...

The motivation behind the Ubuntu culture in Africa ...

An Anthropologist proposed a game to the African tribal children ...

He placed a basket of sweets near a tree

And made the children stand 100 metres away.

Then announced that whoever reaches first would get all the sweets in the basket.

When he said 'ready steady go!' ...

Do you know what these children did?

They all held each other's hands, ran together towards the tree, divided the sweets equally among themselves, ate the sweets and enjoyed it.

When the Anthropologist asked them why they did so,

They answered 'Ubuntu'.

Which meant -
_'How can one be happy when the others are sad?'_

Ubuntu in their language means -
_'I am because we are!'_

A strong message for all generations.
Let all of us always have this attitude and spread happiness wherever we go.

Let's have a *_Ubuntu_* Life ...


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Sacha Insaan

एक राजा का दरबार लगा हुआ था,
क्योंकि सर्दी का दिन था इसलिये
राजा का दरवार खुले मे लगा हुआ था.
पूरी आम सभा सुबह की धूप मे बैठी थी ..
महाराज के सिंहासन के सामने...
एक शाही मेज थी...
और उस पर कुछ कीमती चीजें रखी थीं.
पंडित लोग, मंत्री और दीवान आदि
सभी दरबार मे बैठे थे
और राजा के परिवार के सदस्य भी बैठे थे.. ..

उसी समय एक व्यक्ति आया और प्रवेश माँगा..
प्रवेश मिल गया तो उसने कहा
मेरे पास दो वस्तुएं हैं,
मै हर राज्य के राजा के पास जाता हूँ और
अपनी वस्तुओं को रखता हूँ पर कोई परख नही पाता सब हार जाते है
और मै विजेता बनकर घूम रहा हूँ”..
अब आपके नगर मे आया हूँ

राजा ने बुलाया और कहाक्या वस्तु है
तो उसने दोनो वस्तुएं....
उस कीमती मेज पर रख दीं..

वे दोनों वस्तुएं बिल्कुल समान
आकार, समान रुप रंग, समान
प्रकाश सब कुछ नख-शिख समान था.. … ..

राजा ने कहा ये दोनो वस्तुएं तो एक हैं.
तो उस व्यक्ति ने कहा हाँ दिखाई तो
एक सी ही देती है लेकिन हैं भिन्न.

इनमें से एक है बहुत कीमती हीरा
और एक है काँच का टुकडा।

लेकिन रूप रंग सब एक है.
कोई आज तक परख नही पाया क़ि
कौन सा हीरा है और कौन सा काँच का टुकड़ा..

कोइ परख कर बताये की....
ये हीरा है और ये काँच..
अगर परख खरी निकली...
तो मैं हार जाऊंगा और..
यह कीमती हीरा मै आपके राज्य की तिजोरी मे जमा करवा दूंगा.

पर शर्त यह है क़ि यदि कोई नहीं
पहचान पाया तो इस हीरे की जो
कीमत है उतनी धनराशि आपको
मुझे देनी होगी..

इसी प्रकार से मैं कई राज्यों से...
जीतता आया हूँ..

राजा ने कहा मै तो नही परख सकूगा..
दीवान बोले हम भी हिम्मत नही कर सकते
क्योंकि दोनो बिल्कुल समान है..
सब हारे कोई हिम्मत नही जुटा पा रहा था.. ..

हारने पर पैसे देने पडेगे...
इसका कोई सवाल नही था,
क्योंकि राजा के पास बहुत धन था,
पर राजा की प्रतिष्ठा गिर जायेगी,
इसका सबको भय था..

कोई व्यक्ति पहचान नही पाया.. ..
आखिरकार पीछे थोडी हलचल हुई
एक अंधा आदमी हाथ मे लाठी लेकर उठा..
उसने कहा मुझे महाराज के पास ले चलो...
मैने सब बाते सुनी है...
और यह भी सुना है कि....
कोई परख नही पा रहा है...
एक अवसर मुझे भी दो.. ..

एक आदमी के सहारे....
वह राजा के पास पहुंचा..
उसने राजा से प्रार्थना की...
मै तो जनम से अंधा हू....
फिर भी मुझे एक अवसर दिया जाये..
जिससे मै भी एक बार अपनी बुद्धि को परखूँ..
और हो सकता है कि सफल भी हो जाऊं..

और यदि सफल भी हुआ...
तो वैसे भी आप तो हारे ही है..

राजा को लगा कि.....
इसे अवसर देने मे क्या हर्ज है...
राजा ने कहा क़ि ठीक है..
तो तब उस अंधे आदमी को...
दोनो चीजे छुआ दी गयी..

और पूछा गया.....
इसमे कौन सा हीरा है....
और कौन सा काँच….?? ..
यही तुम्हें परखना है.. ..

कथा कहती है कि....
उस आदमी ने एक क्षण मे कह दिया कि यह हीरा है और यह काँच.. ..

जो आदमी इतने राज्यो को जीतकर आया था
वह नतमस्तक हो गया..
और बोला....
सही है आपने पहचान लिया.. धन्य हो आप
अपने वचन के मुताबिक.....
यह हीरा.....
मै आपके राज्य की तिजोरी मे दे रहा हूँ ” ..

सब बहुत खुश हो गये
और जो आदमी आया था वह भी
बहुत प्रसन्न हुआ कि कम से कम
कोई तो मिला परखने वाला..

उस आदमी, राजा और अन्य सभी
लोगो ने उस अंधे व्यक्ति से एक ही
जिज्ञासा जताई कि तुमने यह कैसे
पहचाना कि यह हीरा है और वह काँच.. ..

उस अंधे ने कहा की सीधी सी बात है मालिक
धूप मे हम सब बैठे है.. मैने दोनो को छुआ ..
जो ठंडा रहा वह हीरा.....
जो गरम हो गया वह काँच.....

जीवन मे भी देखना.....

जो बात बात मे गरम हो जाये, उलझ जाये...
वह व्यक्ति "काँच" हैं


जो विपरीत परिस्थिति मे भी ठंडा रहे.....
वह व्यक्ति "हीरा" है..!!...


जिसने भी लिखा, संदेश अनुकरणीय है।