Sunday, February 14, 2016

What is Love

Happy Valentines Day 😊

What is love?

Love is when my mom kisses me and.  says mera bachha lakhon me ek hai...

Love is when you come back from work and dad says 'arey beta! aaj bohot der ho gai

Love is when ur bhabhi says ' hey hero ladki dekhi hai tere liya, koi aur pasand ho tou bata dena'

Love is when ur brother says ' bhai tu tension na le, main hu na tere saath

Love is when you r  Moodless and your sis says ' chal bhai kahi ghoom kay aatein hai

Love is when ur best friend hugs you and says' abe tere bagair mazaa nahi aata yar....

These all are best moments of love.....don't miss them in life.

Love is not only having a bf or gf. Or spouse

Love you all who have been a special part of my life...........

Its love,
when a little girl puts her energy to give dad a head massage.

Its love,
when a wife makes tea for husband and take a sip before him.

Its love,
when a mother gives her son the best piece of cake.

Its love,
when ur friend holds your hand tightly on a slippery

Its love,
when your brother messages you and asks did you reach home on time..

Love 💕 is not just a guy holding a girl and going around the city.

Love when you send a small msg to your friends to make them smile

Luv 💕 is actually another word for "care"...!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Pyar Do Pyar Lo

☝एक बार एक व्यक्ति ने..
एक..नया मकान...खरीदा..
उसमे.फलों का बगीचा भी था..

...मगर पडौस का मकान पुराना था..और उसमे कई लोग रहते थे.
..कुछ दिन बाद उसने देखा कि पडौस के मकान से किसी ने बाल्टी भर कूडा उसके घर के दरवाजे पर डाल दिया है..

..शाम को उस व्यक्ति ने एक बाल्टी ली उसमे ताजे फल रखे ..
और उस घर के दरवाजे की घंटी बजायी....
..उस घर के लोग बेचैन हो गये.
और वो सोचने लगे कि वह उनसे सुबह की घटना के लिये लडने आया है..
अतः वे पहले ही तैयार हो गये और बुरा भला बोलने लगे..
.मगर जैसे ही उन्होने दरवाजा खोला....
.....वे हैरान हो गये...रसीले ताजे फलों की भरी बाल्टी के साथ...
...मुस्कान चेहरे पर लिये नया पडोसी सामने खडा था...
.........सब हैरान थे....
....उसने कहा....जो मेरे पास था वही मैं आपके लिये ला सका...

...........सच है जिसके पास जो है वही वह दूसरे को .....दे सकता है...
..जरा सोचिये..
.कि aap k पास दूसरो
के लिये क्या है..
...........दाग तेरे दामन के धुले ना धुले

नेकी तेरी कही तुला पर तुले ना तुले.....
मांग ले अपनी गलतियो की माफी खुद से.
क्या पता आँख कल ये खुले ना खुले.......

प्यार बांटो प्यार मिलेगा,
खुशी बांटो खुशी मिलेगी...

Thursday, February 4, 2016


What is Karma?
A king was touring his kingdom on his elephant. Suddenly he stopped in front of a shop in the market and said to his minister, "I don't know why, but I want to hang the owner of this shop." The minister was shocked. But before he could ask the king why, the king had moved on.

The next day, the minister went to that shop dressed as one of the locals to see the shopkeeper. He casually asked him how his business was faring. The shopkeeper, a sandalwood merchant, reported sadly that he had hardly any customer. People would come to his shop, smell the sandalwood and then go away. They would even praise the quality of the sandalwood but rarely buy anything. His only hope was that the king would die soon. Then there would be a huge demand for sandalwood for performing his last rites. As he was the only sandalwood merchant around, he was sure the king's death would mean a windfall.

The minister now understood why the king had stopped in front of this shop and expressed a desire to kill the shopkeeper. Perhaps, the shopkeeper's negative thought vibration had subtly affected the king, who had, in turn, felt the same kind of negative thought arising within.

The minister; a noble man, pondered over the matter for a while. Without revealing who he was or what had happened the day before, he expressed a desire to buy some sandalwood. The shopkeeper was pleased. He wrapped the sandalwood and handed it over to the minister.

When the minister returned to the palace, he went straight to the court where the king was seated and reported that the sandalwood merchant had a gift for him. The king was surprised. When he opened the package, he was pleasantly surprised by the fine golden color of the sandalwood and its agreeable fragrance. Pleased, he sent some gold coins to the sandalwood merchant. The king also felt sorry in his heart that he had harbored unbecoming thoughts of killing the shopkeeper.

When the shopkeeper received the gold coins from the king, he was astounded. He began to proclaim the virtues of the king who had, through the gold coins, saved him from the brink of poverty. After some time, he recalled the morbid thoughts he had felt towards the king, and repented for having entertained such negative thoughts for his own personal goal.

If we have a good and kind thought for another person, that positive thought will come back to us in a favorable way. But if we harbor evil thoughts, those thoughts will come back to us as retribution.

"What is Karma?" asked Swami
Many replied, "our words, our deeds, our feelings, our actions......"

Swami shook his head and said

"Your thoughts are your Karma!"🙏

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Do all problems have quick fix solutions?
How long can you wait when electricity goes away? How long can you tolerate being in a no-range zone? How quickly do you want to solve the problems in life?
One word less in most dictionaries today is ‘Patience’. Fast food, fast pace, fast cars, fast gadgets, what naturally follows is the need for fast solutions.
Krisna was born to solve a major problem in that era – Kansa. But He went away from Mathura and came back after 11 years to solve the problem. He probably wanted to teach us not to expect immediate solutions to all problems!
In fact many problems don’t need to be solved, they need to be just tolerated. This type of problem solving is called ‘Delayed Management’. Rather than attempting to find a quick fix solution, just delay trying to find a solution. With time many things change – the situation changes, your needs change, your mood changes. But most of all, your maturity level changes. Time is a good baker. But you have to be patient while the cake is baking.
Even gaps in playing of a drum, actually enhance the musical melody. So sometimes not doing anything is itself a solution.
So when we come across a problem about which you feel helpless, remember Lord Rama who having lost His wife, waited patiently for 4 months on the Malyavan hill waiting for the rainy season to get over.
An intelligent problem solver is not one who solves every problem, but one who knows which problems to solve and which to tolerate....

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


The 10th apple effect!!
A hunter once lost his way deep inside the jungle while chasing a deer. He used all his navigation skills but neither did he find any way out of the jungle nor could he find any food to eat for 8 days at a stretch. He started feeling so damn hungry that he could eat an entire elephant at one go. Disappointed, he lost all hope. And that is exactly when an apple tree caught his sight. He collected a dozen apples to feed him for the rest of his search.
As he ate the 1st apple, his joy knew no bounds and he just couldn't stop feeling grateful and blessed. He thanked life. He thanked God. He could not believe his luck when he ate the 1st apple but he was less grateful while having the 2nd apple and even lesser grateful when he had the 5th apple. Somehow, with each passing apple, the hunger still kept on increasing and the joy kept on reducing drastically. He just could not enjoy the 10th apple.
Why? He had already taken for granted the gift of having found an apple tree in the middle of a forest after 8 long days of wandering with hunger. When he took the 10th apple in his hand, he was still very hungry but he just did not feel like having it any more. Economics calls this diminishing marginal utility. I would like to call it diminishing gratitude, in simple words, taking things for granted. Or let’s just call it the 10th apple effect.
The 10th apple did not lack taste, it did not lack the potential to satisfy his hunger but the only thing lacking was his gratitude for finding food in the middle of the jungle.
The hunter represents us. And the apple represents the gifts that life gives us. The 10th apple represents our lack of gratitude for these gifts of life and our ‘take everything for granted’ attitude. As we continue receiving the gifts of life, our hunger, our greed keeps on increasing and the joy we get from these gifts diminishes.
The 10th apple is as sweet as the first apple. If the 10th apple fails to give you as much pleasure as the first one, nothing is wrong with the apple, everything is wrong with you. If you get bored on a dull day, it is not because the day is dull and boring. It is because your gratitude has become dull and boring. The gift of life for another day cannot be taken for granted. The Nth year of life should seem as exciting as the 16th year, as the 25th year, as the 50th year.
Never let the ‘10th apple effect’ make you take these gifts of life for granted. Never let your gratitude for life fade away. Happy life!

Monday, February 1, 2016


Read this small story, Hope that makes a BIG change in YOU.
The Professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see & asked the students “How much do you think this glass weighs?
'50gms!/ 100gms!/ 125 gms' the students answered.
“I really don’t know unless I weigh it,” said the professor, “but, my question is:
What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?
‘Nothing’  the students said.
‘Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?’ the professor asked.
‘Your arm would begin to ache’ said one of the student
“You’re right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?”
“Your arm could go numb,  you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis & have to go to hospital for sure!”
Ventured another student & all the students laughed
“Very good.
But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?” Asked the professor.
‘No’ Was the answer.
“Then what caused the arm ache & the muscle stress?”
The students were puzzled.
“What should I do now to come out of pain?” asked professor again.
“Put the glass down!” said one of the students
“Exactly!” said the professor.
Life’s problems are something like this.
Hold it for a few minutes in your head & they seem OK.
Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache.
Hold it even longer & they begin to paralyse you. You will not be able to do anything.
It’s important to think of the challenges or problems in your life, But EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is to ‘PUT THEM DOWN’ at the end of every day before you go to sleep…
That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh &strong & can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way!
Moral : So, when you start your day today, Remember friend to 'PUT THE GLASS DOWN TODAY!'